Health Benefits of Tulsi
  • Benefits of Tulsi Leaves
  • Nutritional Values of Tulsi Leaves
  • How to use them?
Health Benefits of Tulsi
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Health Benefits Of Tulsi For our Body Health

Tulsi is a common household plan that you can find in every Indian house. That is why it is also called Holy Basil. Many of us are already familiar with tulsi leaves are valued for their excellent medicinal properties. You must have seen your mother using tulsi leaves while making tea, do you know why? Well, this article will tell you why using tulsi in your daily lifestyle is beneficial.

Understanding Tulsi Leaves

This remarkable herb is not only known for its medicinal health benefits but also for its religious significance. Before we dive into the unlimited advantages of Tulsi leaves, let us understand this herb a bit better.

The biological name of this plant is Ocimum Sanctum. It is a fragrant, leafy plant native to India. It has a strong and distinctive aroma. As per the Puranas, the tulsi plant is a consort of Lord Vishnu. It is believed that an Indian Household is incomplete without the Holy Basil in their courtyard. In Ayurveda, this plant holds the position of Queen of Herbs due to its medicinal value. Let us now have a look at the benefits of Tulsi.

How Tulsi Plant is Beneficial for Our Health and Mind?

The advantages of eating Tulsi Leaves extends beyond physical health. They have so many profound effects on our mental and emotional well-being. Read below to know more.

  • Boosts Immunity

    Tulsi does wonders when it comes to immunity. It is a natural immune booster and keeps infections at bay. Consuming tulsi leaves regularly can significantly enhance your immune system. This is the reason why your mummy crushed tulsi leaves in the morning tea cuz, she knows it will boost your immunity and keep you away from diseases.
  • Improves Digestive System

    Tulsi is known to improve liver health. Improved liver health is equal to an improved digestive system. Tulsi releases the toxins from body which helps in improving the gut and digestion process.
  • Act as a Blood Purifier

    Tulsi has some values that purify the blood and reflect healthy skin. Mixing it with your dose cup of tea can work wonders. It improves overall health by flushing out toxins and cleansing the blood flow. You can also mix it with boiling water and drink it daily for a lot of benefits.
  • Lowers blood pressure

    Consuming tulsi leaves in any way can provide significant relief to patients having hypertension. Holy basil is a powerful medicine and can cure problems related to hypertension such as headache, anxiety, depression, lack of sleep, and much more.
  • Treats Respiratory Disorders

    The polluted environment nowadays takes a toll on the lungs' health. This results in several respiratory problems like asthma and bronchitis. Tulsi improves the respiratory system and allows them to fight with the polluted air inside the body. Inhaling steam with Tulsi leaves helps in clearing the congestion.
  • Helps in Losing weight

    Tulsi releases toxins from our gut. Hence, it helps in reducing weight by improving gut health. Also, it accelerates the rate of metabolism in the body, which is a great factor for fat burning.
  • Takes care of your Teeth

    Tulsi has some antimicrobial properties that help in fighting bacteria and germs in the mouth. Thus, it is good for oral health as well.

Nutritional Value of Tulsi Leaves

As already mentioned, Tulsi leaves are full of minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and much more. Here is the nutritional value of 100 g of Tulsi leaves-

Energy 22.4 Kcal
Carbohydrate 2.65 g
Protein 3.15 g
Dietary Fibre 1.6 g
Fat 0.64 g
Water 92.06 g
Calcium 177 mg
Iron 3.17 mg
Potassium 295 mg
Sodium 4 mg
Phosphorus 56 mg
Zinc 0.81 mg
Manganese 1.148 mg
Thiamine 0.034 mg
Niacin 0.902 mg
Riboflavin/strong> 0.076 mg
Pantothenic Acid 0.209 mg
Vitamin B6 0.155 mg
Choline 1.144 mg
Vitamin C 18 mg
Vitamin E 0.8 mg

Keep in mind that there is a slight difference between the proportion of fresh tulsi leaves and dried or powdered leaves.

Uses of Tulsi Leaves

Tulsi leaves have a wide range of applications, from culinary to medicinal. Here are the most common uses of Tulsi leaves:

  • Culinary Delight

    Tulsi leaves are an amazing and delightful addition to the various culinary creations. Its flavour adds depth to the dishes, making them tasty and healthy. You can use either fresh leaves or dried leaves in salads, teas, and other Indian cuisines to enhance the flavour.
  • Medicinal Uses

    Tulsi leaves are being used for medicinal purposes. These are the potent source of essential oils, phytonutrients, and antioxidants, making them a valuable ingredient in herbal remedies. Tulsi leaves are being used to treat a wide range of health problems, including respiratory disorders, stress, anxiety, digestive problems, and much more.
  • Skin and Hair Care

    Tulsi leaves have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help clear acne and other skin blemishes. You even apply a paste of tulsi leaves on your face or even on your hair for growth, reducing dandruff, and adding shine.


Holy Basil or Tulsi, scientifically referred to as Ocimum Sanctum has been also mentioned in Ayurveda the ancient medical science. It is an adaptogen herb that can cure many ailments, particularly those which are brought in by stress. Tulsi leaves have numerous health benefits as you have read above. It is suggested to consume two or three tulsi leaves every day to stay fit and healthy.

Health Benefits of Tulsi: FAQs

1. How many ways tulsi is beneficial?

Tulsi is beneficial in so many ways. It improves overall metabolism, makes your skin glow, makes your hair healthier, maintains oral health, and boosts immunity.

2. What is the scientific name of Tulsi?

The scientific name of Tulsi is Ocimum Teniflorum.

3. What is the importance of Tulsi?

Tulsi is known as the queen of all the herbs. It is widely used in Ayurveda and naturopathy treatments which helps in the healing of the human body in a natural manner.

4. Can I eat Tulsi leaves raw?

Yes, you can simply chew the tulsi leaf after washing it in clear water.

5. What are the types of Tulsi?

Tulsi has 5 types, Shyam Tulsi, Vishnu Tulsi, Ram Tulsi, Nimvu Tulsi, and Van Tulsi.

6. Is Tulsi good for the liver?

Tulsi contains antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties which protect livers from damage.

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Simran saxena

Written By: Simran Saxena

Simran has over 3 years of experience in content marketing, insurance, and healthcare sectors. Her motto to make health and term insurance simple for our readers has proven to make insurance lingos simple and easy to understand by our readers.